Take a deep breath in. Go ahead. Hold it. And release. The most important thing about our day is often the thing we ignore. Our breath is our powerline, why then do we spend so little time acknowledging its power? Breathwork has an insane amount of benefits, more than I could ever mention, and more that are being discovered all the time. From trauma clearing breathwork that supports the nervous system in finding calm to getting an energy boost, breathwork has a way of making itself useful to us humans.

Breathing isn’t just a way to take in oxygen to keep us alive, it’s one of the most powerful tools that we have at our disposal to deal with and clear negative energy and complexities like trauma, shame, and guilt. I can tell you right now that the studies surrounding breathwork’s benefits are limited, but regardless, this ancient practice has been around long enough to show us its potential and power and trauma clearing breathwork is one of its superpowers.


The most common way that trauma shows up in the body is through anxiety. It comes from a person experiencing pain during their life. From being neglected as a child and not having your needs met, to domestic violence and loss. Trauma shows up in countless forms and it’s something that we all share as humans. No matter how perfect your childhood may have seemed, we’ve all experienced an extent of trauma, some more so than others. Anxiety is a manifestation of stress, trauma, and pain, and in the last decade there has been a crazy boom is self-healing modalities to deal with this reality (think yoga, meditation, holistic and mindful living).

Trauma Clearing Breathwork

Breathwork can induce profound and introspective experiences. It’s a way to clear the mind, find balance, stability, and regulate the body. It releases carbon dioxide from your body, which causes blood to become more alkaline and sustain more oxygen (always good). This is self-healing at its finest. In an alchemical way, trauma clearing breathwork allows you to flow with the breath, release with the breath, and transform dark energy into something new. With every exhale, you are moving energy through your body and giving it space to nurture the body. 

When practicing trauma clearing breathwork, the mind has the opportunity to unhook from reality and the body can come back into alignment. Coming from this space of alignment makes understanding and relating to trauma much simpler. When breathing consciously, you are activating a new state of consciousness which in turn creates clarity in understanding pain, suffering, and other underlying issues that have manifested in the body and mind.

Why Practice Breathwork?

Breathwork is a self-healing modality that brings awareness back into the body so that you can align with your intuition. It’s a way to access states of rest, relaxation, and reset. When suffering deep wounds, trauma, and pain, it’s common to operate out of a manic state of anxiety, tension, suffering, and negativity. But breathwork opens the doorway into the truth behind these reactions and offers you the opportunity to see things in a new light. Breathwork is a healing modality that brings you into a new state of consciousness that may support in releasing trauma, healing wounds, and living out a happy and fulfilled life. From trauma clearing breathwork to breathwork for managing stress, there’s something for everyone in this practice.

Want to give it a try? Below you’ll find a link to a free Pause Breathwork audio session. It’s about twenty minutes of focused breathwork with me (Sam Skelly, Founder, and CEO of Pause Breathwork) as your guide. I’ll help you feel safe, nurtured, and ready to start exploring the power of your breath. Which really is the power of YOU.


Here’s Your Free Breathwork Session!