Become a masterful somatic coach

You’re here to make an impact, you’re here to sharpen the gifts you know you have within you to help change the world…

If you feel a lightness in your belly as you think about becoming a somatic coach - then lean in and explore if this is your path…

The Pause Somatic Coaching Certification

The Pause Somatic Coaching Certification is a 6-month journey to train you to become a masterful somatic coach who knows how to guide clients through body-based transformation that liberates them into deeper states of embodiment and freedom. This program is intentionally designed for you to become an expert at facilitating energetic transformation for your clients so that they can experience joy, fulfilment, alignment and much more!

Here are the 7 Pillars of The Somatic System:



This program will train you to facilitate lasting transformation using The Somatic System™ & Pause’s Signature Somatic Coaching Method.

The Somatic System™ is a revolutionary method that uses the intelligence of the body to create lasting change. It is a holistic, integrative approach that goes beyond just mindset work and gets to the root cause of what is holding people back from achieving their highest potential.

Upon graduation, students will:

Be able to support and guide clients through sustainable transformation as a Pause Certified Somatic Coach.

Be confident and masterful in using Pause’s Somatic System with clients.

Have learned tried and true holistic coaching skills that take client transformations beyond just mindset work.

Deeply understand the energetics behind healing and how to empower and guide clients in a safe way.

Understand the intelligence of the body and know how to use it to create lasting change.

Know how to keep themselves energetically aligned so they can hold space for client transformations.

And much, much more!

Upon graduation, students will:

Be able to support and guide clients through sustainable transformation as a Pause Certified Somatic Coach.

Be confident and masterful in using Pause’s Somatic System with clients.

Have learned tried and true holistic coaching skills that take client transformations beyond just mindset work.

Deeply understand the energetics behind healing and how to empower and guide clients in a safe way.

Understand the intelligence of the body and know how to use it to create lasting change.

Know how to keep themselves energetically aligned so they can hold space for client transformations.

And much, much more!

You’re a perfect fit for this certification if you resonate with the below statements…

This journey is about what you can do, but it’s more about who you will become….

You’re a perfect fit for this certification if you resonate with the below statements…

This journey is about what you can do, but it’s more about who you will become….

This journey is not for you to just ‘learn the concepts’ and teach them to your clients. This is a spiritual awakening journey for you to become the most powerful version of you. This is about who you get to be in the world so you can shine your light and change the world. 

Because it’s as simple as this:

Your Vibration is Your Contribution.

So the question becomes…

What kind of contribution do you want to make in the world?

If you are ready to take your coaching practice to the next level and make a lasting impact in the world, then this certification is for you.

The High Level Components of The Program

Training Materials

You will receive weekly training content to support your evolution and embodiment as a coach. This includes video trainings, audio and visual embodiment practices and more. 

1:1 Mentorship

You will be paired with a trauma-informed, experienced coach/mentor who embodies all of the Pause principles and values, throughout the entirety of the program. You will have opportunities to learn from other mentors as well. You will be seen, heard and held closely as you navigate through the program.

Live Training

The Pause Somatic Coaching Certification will be 100% online and led by Samantha Skelly and her team of expert coaches. You will get to experience weekly community calls, small weekly group calls offered daily for your convenience and program support calls to ensure you have multiple spaces and opportunities to learn and practice your coaching skills


As a Certification student, you will have exclusive access to a private membership site where you can interact daily with your peers and mentors. The purpose of this group is for you to have a safe space to share your experience during the program and seek support from other participants.

Personal Practice & Coach Embodiment

You will have weekly opportunities to connect with others in the program for opportunities to embody, integrate and practice the skills that you are learning. You will also have access to daily calls providing you an opportunity to ask questions, create connections and practice what you’re learning.

Coaching Mastery & Practicum

The Somatic System is the core of the program that covers the Pause signature coaching method. Samantha will teach you her signature methods for expertly facilitating transformation for clients, and you will have the opportunity to practice these skills internally with fellow coaches and externally with practicum clients.  You’ll receive personalized coaching feedback from expert coaches.


  • Weekly Embodiment Calls taught by Sam and expert coaches
  • Support Calls available throughout the week for any and all program questions
  • 1:1 Peer Calls
  • Daily Small Group Calls

  • Practicum Coaching Sessions
  • Optional 1:1 somatic coaching sessions available to purchase for extra support throughout program

What’s Included?

+ Live calls with expert Somatic Coaches & with founder Samantha Skelly

+ Multiple teaching calls per week with the team of expert Somatic Coaches

+ Personalized Coaching Feedback

+ Integrative and Embodiment Practices

+ Community Support

+ An online portal with access to curriculum, videos, sample sessions, resources, integrative practices and much more support material to ensure a seamless program experience (including an in-depth coaching manual and program handbook)

+ Internal and External practicum to fine-tune your craft

A deeper dive Into the details

What is somatic coaching?

The word “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “soma” which means “living body.” It acknowledges the body as the source of wisdom and intelligence, one that we often ignore when focusing solely on mindset work to heal and transform. 

In somatic coaching, we involve the body in the process along with the mind and spirit to create a holistic and sustainable approach to the healing process.

What will I be able to do with this training?

Depending on your gifts, what gives you energy & the way you want your business to feel, there are many different ways you can work with clients. As you navigate your way through this program, this will become very clear to you-here are some potential options.

1-1 Somatic Coaching | Group Programs | In Person Retreats | Corporate Training | Masterminds & Workshops

What are the benefits of somatic coaching?

Somatic coaching can offer a number of benefits for you and your clients, including:
Greater self-awareness: Somatic coaching can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and needs. This can lead to greater clarity about who you are and what you want in life.

Improved relationships: Somatic coaching can help you develop healthier relationships with yourself and others. When you have a better understanding of your needs, you can communicate them more effectively to others. This can lead to more fulfilling and satisfying relationships.

Increased productivity: Somatic coaching can help you become more productive by helping you focus on your goals and taking action steps that align with your values. This can lead to greater success in both your personal and professional life.

Improved mental and physical health: Somatic coaching can help improve your mental and physical health by helping you reduce stress, improve sleep, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

Identity transformation: Somatic coaching can help you embody the qualities of a more empowered identity of your choice. As you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and needs, you can start to make choices that align with your values and soul. This can lead to a profound transformation in your life. You can begin to feel more abundance, at ease, and liberated.

When does the program start & end?

You can begin the program at any time and have lifetime access to the content.  You have 8 months to complete all graduation requirements.

What is the time investment?

Depending on the state of the program, between revising the modules, completing the integrative homework, attending the Embodiment Calls & completing peer support, you will need about 10 hours on average per week. At the beginning of the program this time commitment will be less than 10, and once we move towards practicum this commitment will be around 10 hours. 

 I like that I am fit, but I still have questions. What should I do next? 

Book your discovery call with the Pause Team. The intention of the call is to support you in getting the clarity you need to decide if this program makes sense for you. At the end of the call you’ll know if this is a perfect fit.

Somatic Coaching is the movement of the future and creates lasting transformation not only for yourself but also for your clients! Why wait? Apply now.

Meet Your Support Team


Founder & Head Facilitator

Introducing, Samantha Skelly – a powerhouse entrepreneur, international best selling author, sought after international speaker, host of The Can’t Be Contained Podcast & Founder of the world’s leading breathwork brand, Pause Breathwork. 

For over a decade Samantha has made a significant impact in the world of spiritual & personal transformation. Her trauma-informed approach to healing and awakening through the power of breathwork has changed the lives of over 500,00 people & counting. Her mission advances through training & certifying people to become breathwork facilitators & through her innovation mobile app – Pause Breathwork. 

Samantha has shared the stage with inspirational leaders such as Tony Robbins, Kobe Bryant, Marie Forleo & Marianne Williamson. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Women’s Health, Global TV, The Doctors & CBS.


Director of Experience

Meet Marci!  She’s the Director of Experience for Pause Delivery.  

Being a student is her passion and teaching is her drive.

She’s a Trauma Informed Breathwork Coach, Integrative Somatic Trauma Practicioner, International Akashic Record Reader, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher/Student and Human Design Coach.

Students have phrased her perfectly as a combo between the artist P!nk and Budda.  Her fiery passion, deep groundedness and heart full of love is her magic and magnetism.  Her mission is truly about guiding humans back to the truth of who they are by bridging the gap between the spiritual and the 3D reality.  She supports her mission by merging body based modalities with energetics.

As Marc always says, you don’t know what  you don’t know so why not ask questions, allow life to be your playground and approach every day with pure curiosity.  

Meghan Sandve

Coaching Mentor

Meghan is a Clinical Physiologist, Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator, and an Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Practitioner. 

Her mission is to support others in connecting back to themselves. Guiding them to their inner intellectual, emotional, and physical intelligence with a blend of body-based and energy practices.

She believes there is no greater offering than creating a safe and sacred space for others to be heard and seen. A space with full permission to show up, as you are, fully. After all, you, beautiful soul, are your own medicine.

Renee Boatman

Renee Boatman

Coaching Mentor

Renee is an Advanced Energetic Breathwork Facilitator, Trauma-Informed Somatic Healing Coach, Yoga Instructor, and Level 2 Attuned Reiki Practitioner. Her journey in these modalities has been a profound exploration of the mind-body connection and the transformative power of energy work.

With a deep commitment to trauma-informed practices, she creates safe and nurturing spaces where individuals can journey inward and reconnect with their innate healing capacities. She believes in the wisdom of the body and the importance of honoring its sensations and intuition.

“By allowing these inner cues to guide us, we can unlock profound states of liberation and empowerment.”

Meet Samantha

Samantha Skelly is the founder of Pause Breathwork & the creator of the Pause Somatic Healing Certification. Her heart is committed to transforming humanity through the power of breathwork, embodiment, healing & awakening. 

Samantha is a leading authority on healing addiction, anxiety & mental health issues using the power of breathwork & somatic healing. Samantha is committed to extracting the greatness within leaders so together we can all change the world.

Hear from our students…

Rebecca Siler
Unlocking Your Potential: Embrace Your Journey of Transformation
Erin Kimbrell
Transform Your Life with this Program
Emily M
Transform Your Relationship with Food and Body: My Journey to Self-Acceptance
Dana DiGioia
Craziest, Coolest, Most Transformative Experience: My Journey with Sam
Sam Healy
Discover the Transformative Power of Somatic Coaching at Pause
Stevie Wright
Unlocking Emotional Freedom: My Transformational Journey
Chelsey Bird
Unleashing Your Coaching Power: The Pause somatic Experience
Nancy Dawdy
The Amazing Pause Somatic Coaching Experience: Unleash Your Potential
Robin Caissie
Discover the Life-Changing Pause Somatic Coach Program in Just Three Months!
Gary Gottselig
Transformation Through Compassion: Building a Grounded and Empathetic Mindset
Sara Moquin
Unlock Your Potential: Transforming Lives Through Personal Growth Coaching
Jodi Kahn
Unlocking Inner Peace: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Serenity
Lyndsey Watkins
Transform Your Life with Somatic Coaching: My Success Story at Pause Breathwork
Jacklyn Snedeger
Discover the Life-changing Power of the Pause Coaching Program
Chanel Vysohlid
Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcoming Fear and Growing Beyond Limits
Matthew Thompson
Transforming Lives: My Journey of Self-Discovery and Oral Surgery
Alyssa Herrmann
How the Pause Program Transformed My Journey: Community, Support, and Learning
Caroline Charlton
Discover the Power of Vulnerability: Join the Pause Community

Wondering if you’re a Perfect Fit for this Program?

If you resonate with one of the below

You’re already serving clients in a powerful way, but you know – there is something deeper.

You want to experience the profound transformations when we incorporate the body into the sessions – you crave to feel that depth with clients

You’ve taken the Pause Breathwork Facilitator Program & now desire to become a somatic coach.

You want to offer breathwork, as well as coaching to your clients & truly offer the complete journey for your clients. 

Wondering if you’re a Perfect Fit for this Program?

If you resonate with one of the below

You’re already serving clients in a powerful way, but you know – there is something deeper.

You want to experience the profound transformations when we incorporate the body into the sessions – you crave to feel that depth with clients

You’ve taken the Pause Breathwork Facilitator Program & now desire to become a somatic coach.

You want to offer breathwork, as well as coaching to your clients & truly offer the complete journey for your clients. 

Content Preview

The Pause Somatic System

The Pause Somatic Session Map

The Pause Energetic Maps

Somatic Parts Work

Somatic Inner Child Work

Energetic Alchemy & Alignment

Healing with sound, breath and movement

Pain Integration

Elements of the energetic centres

Nervous system regulation

Tracking & attunement

And much more!

You’ve likely done a lot of personal development work to get to where you are, and while you’ve already supported clients in their personal transformations,  you know you’re meant to make an even bigger impact.

We (Pause Breathwork) might use your phone number to get in touch with you about the program

Our Memberships & Accreditations